Jak zrobić efekt światła neonowego w Photoshopie?
W tym prostym i krótkim samouczku nauczymy Cię, jak uzyskać efekt światła neonowego w programie Photoshop dzięki czemu można go...
Kerem from Turkey has an insatiable curiosity for the latest advancements in tech gadgets and a knack for innovative thinking.
With 3 years of experience in editorship and a childhood dream of becoming a journalist, Kerem has always been curious about the latest tech gadgets and is constantly seeking new ways to create.
As a Master's student in Strategic Communications, Kerem is eager to learn more about the ever-evolving world of technology. His primary focuses are artificial intelligence and digital inclusion, and he delves into the most current and accurate information on these topics.
W tym prostym i krótkim samouczku nauczymy Cię, jak uzyskać efekt światła neonowego w programie Photoshop dzięki czemu można go...
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